Anytron lauhcnes new fully digital one-stop label solution ANY-JET III

fully digital one-stop label solution

Anytron lauhcnes new fully digital one-stop label solution ANY-JET III

At Labelexpo Americas 2022, we will showcase ANY-JET III, the fully digital one-stop label solution. All the processes – digital printing, laminating, laser cutting, slitting, and matrix removal- work perfectly together in a digitally integrated platform.

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“Combining the best of digital printing and laser finishing into a single, integrated platform, ANY-JET III exploits the full power of digital. ANY-JET III is the most cost-effective solution to produce customized, short-run orders. Label converters can enjoy next-level printing efficiency in a speedy, automated, seamless single pass operation.”

Unlike hybrid or conventional systems, ANY-JET III doesn’t require additional time and costs associated with analog tools such as plates or flexible dies. Moreover, intelligently automated workflow requires no human intervention and reduces operation time. ANY-JET III offers faster turnaround times with a setup time of 5 minutes and an automatic changeover function.

Learn more about ANY-JET III

fully digital one-stop label solution

It is equipped with ANY-FLOW, an intelligent workflow solution tuned for optimal production efficiency, which can process everything – from printing to finishing – in a single workflow.

“ANY-JET III is faster, smarter, and more cost-effective than any hybrid or conventional printing system. I am excited to show Labelexpo attendees what the fully digital one-stop solution can do. They will discover how our technology helps label converters meet customer needs by providing the most cost-effective short-run printing solution”.

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