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any-CUT III - Request Info
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Features and Benefits
The smartest way of label cutting
The analog method takes an hour to set-up, but with the digital method, the file can be simply saved and loaded again.
If the cutting line has to be modified, it can be done immediately with the digital method. On the other hand, re-manufacture required for each error or requests for design changes are difficult to accommodate in the analog method.
A cutting Marvel
The any-CUT laser cutter series can do full-cut, half-cut, perforation, scoring(for pouches), and different
markings all in a single operation. This gives access to a variety of applications including label, tickets, VHB tapes, reflective film and more.
Link your printer, In-line expansion option
You can easy to use in-line print&cut system. any-CUT III has modular designed machine. So, your two-step processes of making labels will be become one step process by using any-Link with any-CUT III.